
10 Compliments women can’t resist

Complementing a person you’re romantically interested in can sometimes be tricky business.
You don’t want your compliments to ring hollow or as just another attempt to get in her pants – but, at the same time, when you're trying to chat her up, leaving her starved of affection and affirmation is unlikely to work, either.
The trick is to focus on less-obvious areas for praise in order to truly impress her.
Compliments like “You’re the most beautiful girl in the world” are thoroughly cliched and are unlikely to cut it, so you’re going to need to be slightly more creative.
Here are the top 10 compliments women can’t resist, and that might not come to mind immediately:
1. “You’re hilarious!”
Show sincere appreciation for her humour, and she’ll warm to you as a result.
Letting her know you find her funny is usually best communicated by simply laughing at her jokes, responding with the cry-laugh emoji to her funny texts) or with actual words such as “you have such a sharp sense of humour”.
2. “I always learn so much from you.”
It doesn’t matter whether they are book smart or street smart, let them know that you value their opinions and input, and learn from them.
Everyone brings something to the table in terms of knowledge, so think carefully about what exactly she can teach you, and aim your compliment on that specifically.
3. “You’ve got such nice eyes/lips/teeth/hair.”
Telling a woman she is beautiful will usually be well-received, but it can be such a generic compliment that it occasionally comes across as a bit disingenuous and hollow.
The more specific you are the better, because it shows that you’re paying attention.Complimenting a woman on her skin, hair or nails, if they are particularly clear, glossy and strong respectively, can be a good move, because a lot of women put unheralded effort into those particular areas.
4. “I trust you implicitly.”
Tell your girlfriend that you trust her! It takes effort for women to remain faithful in relationships too, and even though loyalty is something that should go without saying when you’ve agreed to commit to someone, that doesn’t mean it’s not nice to occasionally show your gratitude for it.
5. “You’re not like everyone else.”
Note that “you’re not like everyone else” is not the same as saying “you’re not like other girls,”. “You’re not like everyone else” is a lovely thing to hear, for people of all genders.
It acknowledges your girlfriend or date’s unique personality quirks and reassures her that you find them endearing rather than weird. We’d all like for our less conventional quirks to be noticed and appreciated too.
6. “You’re good at what you do.”
Whatever your girlfriend or date does in terms of career, hobbies and side hustles, she’s bound to want to be noticed for her skill and talent at them.
Pay attention to the craft that matters most to her.
Most of us are secretly burning to be noticed for our talents and abilities, so a compliment like this will set you apart and make her feel warm and fuzzy.
7. “You’re a good friend.”
There’s something very satisfying, about being told you’re a good friend, because it strikes at the core of who you are as a person and your very best, most selfless qualities.
Whether you’re complimenting your girl for being a good friend to you or to her friends, she’ll appreciate it and is touched by your thoughtfulness.
8. “You’re sexy.”
Keep this one for at least a few dates in, so you don’t seem creepy or overtly focused on sex, but if you’re dating or in a relationship, your girl will want to be reassured that you find her attractive in a sexual way.
Usually best for when you’re just about to get it on or when she’s looking and feeling her best, a “you’re soooo sexy” can really be the icing on the cake to boost her mood.
9. “You look great today.”
Complimenting a woman’s appearance can be delicate business. It’s best to keep looks-based compliments general and not too specific.
The last thing you want is for something you’ve intended as a compliment to make her feel worse about her appearance or like you place too much value on it. So go with catch-all niceties like “you look great today” and “you always look so good.”
10. “You’re my favourite person to spend time with.”
Telling someone that you enjoy their company is about the simplest, sincerest compliment on earth.
It’s humble and undramatic, but it’s always great to hear from someone you’re seeing that you’re their favourite person to spend time with.
Compliments are a simple way to strengthen a relationship and improve the self-esteem of your partner.
So be generous with your verbal affection, and hopefully she will return the favour!

About Jojo Green


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