
Giving Up on Life: How to Change Your Self-Deprecating Attitude

Everyone feels like giving up on life every now and then. You’re not alone. Here’s how you can change that negative attitude and live a better life.
We all go through hard times. Nobody is immune to the pitfalls of life. We’ve all been at the point before where we felt like giving up on life. The difference is that for the majority of us, we were able to pull ourselves out of that negative head-space. We picked ourselves back up and moved on with our lives.
But that’s not something that’s easy to do. Sometimes, you can be so unhappy that it seems impossible to get out of that frame of mind. All you think about is how much giving up on life seems like the right answer. For those of you who feel this way, just know that there is hope. There’s a way to change that attitude.
Why we all have to learn to deal with the hardships of life
If you never learn how to pick yourself back up and move on after a rough day, it’s nearly impossible to have a happy and successful life. When you feel like giving up on life and you have no idea how to change that, life seems so much harder.
But we need to know how to deal with those times. Learning how to see the light at the end of the tunnel even if things are pitch black is a tool everyone needs. Because we’ll always have times that get difficult. We’ll always have situations that get us down. Knowing how to fix our frame of mind can help us live happier lives.
How to change your attitude when you feel like giving up on life
Life is hard. Nobody can deny it. That being said, life is also really incredible and there’s so much to be grateful for. If you’re stuck in a rut and need a way out, these things can help you change your mindset.
#1 Write down what you’re grateful for. It’s really easy to forget how many great things we actually have in life. Most of us only ever focus on the negatives. Take some time every night to write down at least 5 things you’re grateful for that day. This can help you see the brighter side of any bad day.
#2 Start thinking more positively. I know it’s not as easy as it sounds, but hear me out. Every time you have a negative thought, replace it with two positive ones. Doing this can help rewire your brain to think more positively and you’ll realize that even when you think about negative things, your brain will automatically see the brighter side. 
#3 Make a to-do list. Sometimes all you really need to do is stop and make a list of the things you need to do. Often times, when people feel like giving up on life, they’re simply overwhelmed with all the things happening around them. Making a list and tackling it step by step can alleviate those feelings of doom.
#4 Talk to friends and family. Your support system is there for a reason. They love and care about you. Talk to someone close to you about how you’re feeling and it can help you feel better.
#5 Get outside. Vitamin D is not just good for your body, it’s also great for your mind. Taking some time to spend outdoors with nature can help put things into perspective for you and you’ll realize how insignificant your worries really are.
#6 Start exercising. I know you may not like hearing this one, but your body needs exercise. It’s a great stress reliever and putting your body to work can help your mind relax.
#7 Get enough sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep, your brain isn’t fully recharging. When your brain can’t reboot like it’s supposed to, it goes into a downward spiral. You may not even want to give up on life at all; you’re just tired.
#8 Do something creative. Believe it or not, your brain craves creativity – even if you’re not generally an artsy person. In fact, it can be even better for you to get creative and slather some paint on a canvas if you never do things like that. 
#9 Help someone in need. Not only can helping someone else show you how much you have to be grateful for, but it’ll also make you feel better. Helping those in need helps to boost your mood and make you feel like you have a purpose even if you feel like giving up on life.
#10 Practice smiling more. I know how silly it sounds, but it can actually help you feel better. Your mind is connected to your body. When you smile more – even if you’re not happy – it tricks your brain into thinking you are happy. Therefore, your mood gets boosted.
#11 Practice meditation. Some say meditation is crazy and others swear by it. Guess which of those two people are often the happiest? That’s right! Those who meditate can reflect on the great things they have in life while also letting go of negative thoughts.
#12 Think of yourself less. People are selfish. We were created to be self-serving beings. However, if we’re too self-absorbed, we stop seeing the good things in our lives. We focus too much on what we don’t have. Think of yourself less and of others more. 
#13 Stay busy with entertaining things. Don’t just stay busy for the sake of doing busy things. Make sure you’re doing productive things that can help you stay focused on the positive outcome. Do things that can help move you forward in life.
#14 Focus on building your relationships. Something we all slack with is keeping up with our friendships and building a stronger bond with our family. Every kind of relationship needs nurturing, so don’t forget to pay attention to them.
#16 Treat yourself occasionally. It’s okay to indulge in something you enjoy every once in a while. There’s no need to hold yourself back from all the guilty pleasures life has to offer. Get your nails done, buy those concert tickets, and enjoy the life you have. 
#17 Realize your self-worth. Many people who feel like giving up on life don’t really realize how much they’re worth. They undersell themselves and feel bad about who they are. Work on realizing just how much value you bring to those around you and you’ll be much happier.
#18 Spend money on experiences and not stuff. Don’t just buy yourself things. Those who spend money on activities and experiences are far happier. Those memories are more impactful than something that sits in your living room.
#19 Remember that you’re not alone. Everyone feels this way occasionally. You’re not alone in wanting to give up on life. I’ve been there. Your friends have been there. Beyoncé has even been there. Realizing this can help you push through those negative times.
#20 Be consistent with these practices. It won’t be fixed overnight. However, if you keep doing these things regularly, you’ll see how much of a difference they can really make. Be consistent and do these things even if you don’t feel like giving up on life. They can certainly lead to more happiness. 
It can be really hard to get yourself back to feeling happy once you’ve felt like giving up on life. Thankfully, it can be done. With these tips, you’ll start to realize how great life really is.
GREENIES ARENA : By-bella-pope

About Jojo Green


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