Human beings yearn for connection and belonging. Numerous studies have linked social support to positive mental health. Additional studies have cited the negative emotional impact of loneliness. Research has further revealed people with fewer social relationships die earlier on average than those with more social relationships. Yet with the rise of social media, there are concerns many people appear to be substituting virtual, online connections for real-life, social relationships.

 I remember when we used to write letters and wait for people to call us on our home phone, I remember a time when people actually got excited when they received mail, when the idea of having a cell phone wasn’t as life changing as it’s become today, those were the good old days. I’ve been wanting to write an article on “Social Media Insecurities” for a long time now, I was always too scared because I knew once I dive into this topic I will not stop until I spill my guts out in the article.

 So the idea of this article came to me when I asked  people to tell me how social media and technology has affected thier relationship, almost every single answer I got (out of the 200 something messages) was very sad, everyone had one thing or the other to say about how social media and technology destroyed their relationship.

 I’m going to talk about what the GROUP ON WHATSAPP told me, I’m going to talk about how I feel about this personally and I’m going to talk about both the negatives and the positives. For obvious reasons, I’m not going to use names of the people who wanted to stay anonymous, some were fine with it. Let’s begin.


One of you said:
 “I think social media causes more insecurities between couples. For example seeing someone else in a picture with your significant other. Its easy for jealously to arise. Also too many distractions between couples. They pay more attention to what they don’t have instead of being grateful for what they do have. The most important thing we can give one another is our time. The one thing we can’t get back is time so be careful because life is short. Never be too proud because you will wind up losing something because of ego. People make relationships too hard now days, they worry about what others think or too many obstacles to overcome. I believe if you love someone nothing can come between”

 Social media and technology combined are slowly becoming the number one cause of problems and arguments in relationships. It’s no coincidence that I received so many messages that were about the element of “jealousy”. Give bad people a lot of power and they will use it as they see fit, another one of you wrote:

 “… I was with him for four years and all of a sudden his interest in me seemed to decrease, we met and spoke even less than before. I used to see his Facebook and it was filled with new checkins and pictures with everyone else but me, I asked him and he said “you’re just thinking too much”, am I? Is it normal that my boyfriend has all the time in the world for everyone else but he forgets to ask me if I’m back to health again after I was sick for SIX days?…”

 I took part of the message to show THEM that, when two people are having a fight or are arguing, their subconscious wants them to think and know that the other person still cares the same about them. However, some people use social media to intentionally hurt their partners. Some people intentionally use their public profiles to show their partners that they’re perfectly happy and normal even though they’ve had a fight, they show them that they have a lot of friends and people to be with and aren’t sad at all just to make them feel less about themselves. Some people intentionally use the power of social media to make others jealous, because they now have the resources that they didn’t before, now whatever they say gets seen by hundreds or thousands of people, now they feel more empowered.

 On another note, I received another message:
 “… but I thought I was the most important person in her life. I know it’s okay to feel a little jealous, but I’m actually hurt. She puts so many pictures with so many of her “guy friends” everyday and when I ask her about them, she says “they’re just friends, stop being insecure”. I mean okay I know, maybe I am being a little too insecure and jealous, but if she truly loves me can’t she see that I’m being hurt by this? I mean one or two guy friends is okay, but this is a little too much, please tell me I’m not crazy…”

 This message really hit home for me because my own bother did the same to his girlfriend which led to a break up. We are all human, and when we love someone, we love them with everything we have. Jealousy is a very normal part of relationships and it’s okay to be jealous every now and then, and if your partner knows it’s affecting you they’ll put in an extra effort to make sure it stops hurting you, or they’re just not the right person for you.between my bro and his gf, I felt it coming, I knew it was going to happen. Dear, I know you’re reading this, you need to sit down with her and have a heart to heart convo, if it doesn’t work out, find someone who respects your emotions.





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