Reads for men

How to Understand Women: 11 Keys to Unlocking Their Mysteries

Men think women are complicated, but the fact of the matter is, they’re thinking like a man. It’s time to learn how to understand women, fellas.
I hear it all the time, “women are so complicated.” Oh shut up, we’re not complicated. I actually think that men enjoy thinking that women are complicated, they like the drama. Sure, some women are complicated, but, so are some men. If you’re finding yourself having issues understanding women, that’s because you’re thinking like a man.
In order to know how to understand women, you need to tap into your feminine side… your emotional side. We’re human beings, so we’re all emotional, however, men tend to suppress their feelings as opposed to women. What you need to do is embrace that side of you, that way, you’ll learn how to understand women.
11 Keys to learning how to understand women
We’re not as complicated as you think. Really, we’re not. So if you just remember these 11 things, you’ll learn how to understand women and be a lot happier in the process. 
#1 Men and women think differently. It’s just the way it is. Men and women process information differently, that’s all there is to it. It’s not that women are crazy, it’s just that we see things differently in comparison to you. That’s just something you’ll have to accept, especially if you want to know how to understand women.
#2 All women are different. We’re human beings, so naturally, everyone reacts differently to all situations. Just take yourself for instance, and your sibling. You may be the same gender, however, react completely the opposite to stress. Some women will talk about their issues out loud, others like to be alone to process them. It really depends on the person.
#3 Women don’t compartmentalize. Men can have a crappy day at work, come home and still enjoy the evening with their families. However, women are a bit different. If we have a bad day at work, we take it home with us.
We’re emotionally connected, and so for us to simply “get over” an issue isn’t as easy as it is for you. So, if your girlfriend had a fight with her mom and she’s been on edge ever since, she’s having difficulty processing it. 
#4 Watch her actions. When we’re pissed off, we’re less likely to tell you and more likely to show you. I know, we should probably be more verbal in that department, but for some reason, we feel the need for you guys to figure it out on your own. So, if you want to get a leg up, watch her actions – she won’t be able to hide it. 
#5 Ask her how she feels. Many men just simply ignore this, and it’s not because you guys don’t care, it’s just that you think differently. You guys need to connect to your emotional side if you want to know how to understand women.
So, ask her how she feels, and she’ll tell you. Not only will you connect with her, you’ll also be able to understand her emotional and mental state by asking her this simple question.
#6 Don’t try to problem-solve right away. When a guy listens to my problem, the first thing he does is bring out his problem-solving skills. Listen, I don’t mind men trying to problem-solve, however, sometimes I just need someone to listen. I’m not the only woman who feels this way. So, instead of trying to solve the issue right away, listen to her issue and ask her how she feels. Then, you can problem-solve. 
#7 She speaks the truth when angry. If your girlfriend, wife, boss, or mother is pissed off at you, listen to what they’re telling you. You probably don’t want to, but that’s when they’ll tell you how they really feel. Maybe she feels unappreciated, overworked, or ignored. She’ll tell you, trust me. You just need to listen.
#8 We don’t mean to bring up the past. We really don’t. Okay, sometimes we use it as a tool to piss you guys off, but for the most part, we don’t mean it. If it comes up in an argument, it’s because the memory came back to us, and it bothers us. But for the most part, we use the past to make a connection to what’s bothering us now. 
#9 Be patient. You know that men and women are different, so that’s done. But to actually know how to understand women, you’re going to have to be patient. We’re not complicated, but we are different than men, so this will take time for you to learn and understand.
Believe me, you’re going to say the wrong things at the wrong time, but with time, you’ll figure it out.
#10 Are you understanding her when she speaks? If you want to understand a woman, you need to first see if you’re actually understanding her when she speaks.
Are you understanding why she’s upset about you not doing the dishes, or why she’s stressed at work? If you’re having difficulty, try putting yourself in her shoes, and connect with her emotions. Also, ask her to explain if you’re not comprehending. 
#11 Our feelings pass. You may not think it, but our feelings do pass. Sure, we were mad at you, but we’re not going to hold onto it for days and days. Not to say that some women don’t like to hold grudges, but there are men out there who do the same. No feeling is permanent.
If you want to learn how to understand women, all you have to do is pay attention. See? We’re not as intense as you think. I told you, didn’t I?

About Jojo Green


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