Dating Tips

How to Forget About a Girl: 15 Ways to Forget She Even Exists

how to forget about a girl
No matter your reason for wanting to forget, it can be a tough thing to do. Here are some tips on how to forget about a girl.
There are a lot of reasons why someone might want to know how to forget about a girl. She did you wrong, is completely out of your league, or you may just have more important things to worry about in your life. No matter what your reasons are, it can still be a nightmare trying to rid your brain of them.
You try everything from distracting yourself to forcing yourself not to think about her, but you may end up with her face flashing through your head anyway. It can be really frustrating and discouraging to think about a girl you would just rather forget.
Why is it so hard to forget about some people?
The truth is, we tend to remember things we’d rather forget for a number of different reasons. First, if you want to forget about her, you’re probably upset about something. Having an emotional tie to something or someone makes it that much harder to forget.
Secondly, the more you try to forget about her, the more you’re actually thinking about her. You’re consciously trying to forget about her but that just means you’re thinking about why you want to forget about her and that brings you right back to square one.
How to forget about a girl and never think about her again
You may be reading this thinking it’s hopeless at this point, but fortunately, you’re wrong! While it may be a difficult thing to do, there is a way to stop thinking about a girl and maybe even forget her for good.
It won’t happen overnight, and you’ll have to work hard in order to make it happen, but you can forget about her. As long as you follow these 15 tips on forgetting a girl, your mind will be rid of her in no time.
#1 Stay busy. The time when you start to think about her the most is when you’re bored. If you don’t have much to think about or anything going on, your mind automatically resorts to thinking about her out of habit.
Stay busy if you want to forget about a girl. If your mind doesn’t have any “free time,” it won’t be able to keep thinking of her all the time. Soon you’ll rewire your brain to not think about her this way. 
#2 Spend time with friends. Friends are a great distraction and support system. When you hang out with friends you’re not thinking about anyone else, but rather thinking about them and what’s going on in their life.
#3 Do things that make you happy. Chances are, if you’re trying to forget about a girl then you probably aren’t the happiest person at the moment. Dwelling in sadness only reminds you of why you’re sad, and you’ll be stuck remembering her all the time.
If you want to forget about her then you have to cheer yourself up. By making yourself happy doing things you love you’ll have less time to be sad and that sadness won’t have the chance to remind you of her.
#4 Vent about her to someone—once. One and done. Talk to someone about your situation. I know talking about her defeats the purpose, but if you’re only in your own head about the issue, it won’t be solved. Confide in a friend, tell them everything, then don’t bring her up ever again.
#5 Stay away from her. Obviously, if you see her you’re going to be reminded of her and the reasons you’re trying to forget her. So stay away from her. Although, it may be tempting to see her for whatever reason, if you truly want to forget about her then you can’t see her.
#6 Delete her on all social media. Just like you can’t see her in person, you can’t see her over the internet, either. If you see pictures of her and her friends you’ll never be able to forget about her.
So hit the delete button on all forms of social media and even delete her phone number. If you never have to see her, it makes it easier for you to forget all about her.
#7 Ask your friends to stop talking and asking about her. Your friends may have a habit of bringing her up because you always used to. The truth is that they’ll have to learn to forget about her just like you do.
Just ask them to stop talking about her when you’re around. You’ll find it’s much easier to forget about a girl when you never even hear her name.
#8 Avoid anywhere that reminds you of her. You two may have frequented certain places more than others and returning there makes you think about her and the time you spent there. Don’t go anywhere that reminds you of her at all. It may mean sacrificing your favorite hangout for a while, but it’ll be worth it.
#9 Find someone else to occupy your mind. This is one of the best ways to forget about a girl. Just get a new one! It may be the best way, but it’s also the hardest because you’re hurting. But if you allow yourself to be preoccupied with another girl, you think of her less and less.
#10 Don’t watch movies that remind you of her. A lot of people turn to movies to make them feel better or to distract them. While this may work, it’s also risky because you end up watching a movie that reminds you of her. Avoid any of her favorite movies or any that you two watched together a lot.
#11 Get rid of anything that was hers. You may have a few possessions that are hers still at your place. You won’t be able to forget about her if you see her hairbrush or t-shirt from time to time. Get rid of everything that was hers.
#12 Find out what triggers thoughts of her—and stay away. Take note of the times when you DO think about her. Check your surroundings and find out what triggered the thought of her and stay away from those things if you want to forget about her.
#13 Don’t be alone often. Loneliness makes our brains come up with new things to think about. When we’re alone we often ponder over things relevant in our lives and since you’re trying to forget about her, she might pop up in your mind. Don’t be alone and it will be easier to forget about a girl.
#14 Read some good books. Movies are very risky because they remind you of people from time to time. Luckily books aren’t the same! You can read books as much as you want, and they’ll actually help you forget about a girl.
Books take up more space in your mind because you use your imagination and that’s a lot of brainpower. You won’t have room to think about a girl. Keeping busy with a book helps you forget about her
#15 Have patience. It can be really frustrating, I get it. However, you have to remember there’s a lot of information for you to forget about. It didn’t all get there overnight, and it won’t go away overnight either. Have patience and give it some time.
Forgetting about a girl is definitely not easy. Rewiring your brain to forget her takes time, effort, and these 15 tips.

About Jojo Green


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