

Everyone of us, whether man or woman wants to have a flawless, even and smooth skin tone. Skin bleaching is one way to get rid of the dark spots marring the evenness of our skin. In cosmetology, dermatologists even recommend bleaching creams to patients who have skin issues. The thing is most people use bleaching creams without prescription and this can cause major harm to the skin. It can help to get rid of the skin discolouration and dark spots but at what costs? Some of the products available are harmful and can cause cancer of the skin. Before embarking on the journey of skin bleaching, find out it’s effects.

Harmful Effects of Skin Whitening or Bleaching
These side effects could be seen immediately depending on the cream or it could arise due to prolonged use.

  1. Skin cancer
  2. Acne
  3. Thinning of the skin
  4. Neurological and kidney damage arising as a result of high mercury content in the creams
  5. Psychiatric disorders
  6. Severe birth defects
  7. Asthma
  8. Liver damage

People bleach for a lot of reasons and topping the list of these reasons is that they bleach to look more beautiful. A lot of people feel being light skinned affords you better opportunity and sadly in the world we live in today, this is very true. Even the models used in TV commercials are light skinned. This is an erroneous message and should be stopped from getting to the future generations. Appreciation of one’s self should be paramount. A good skin care regimen would give you glowing skin.
Just remember to drink lots of water to flush out toxins from the system. A natural skin bleacher is lemon. It can be used to lighten dark spots instead of going for chemical bleachers that can damage the skin.

About Jojo Green


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