Step 2: Master the Skill of Quick Stress Relief

Learn to Use Your Senses to Stay Calm in Stressful Situations

Stress isn’t always bad. Stress within your comfort zone works for you. In manageable doses, stress helps you perform under pressure and motivates you to do your best. But when you feel unsafe, insecure, and overwhelmed, or are constantly running in emergency mode, your mind, body, and relationships pay the price. Stress outside of your comfort zone reduces your ability to think clearly, act appropriately, and shuts down your body's ability to preserve and repair your health.

Watch the video: Quick stress relief

What is quick stress relief?

Quick Stress ReliefThere are countless techniques for dealing with stress. Talking to an understanding friend, exercise, yoga, and meditation, for example, can relieve stress. But it may not be practical (or even possible) to go for a run or meditate when you’re frazzled by your morning commute, stuck in a stressful meeting at work, or fried from another argument with your spouse. For situations like these, you need something more accessible. That’s where quick stress relief comes in.
The best way to reduce stress quickly and reliably is by taking a deep breath and using your senses—what you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch—or soothing movement. By viewing a favorite photo, smelling a specific scent, listening to a favorite piece of music, tasting a piece of gum, or hugging a pet, for example, you can quickly relax and focus yourself.
When you’re stressed, you can use your senses to soothe, comfort, and invigorate yourself quickly—in just a few minutes—and feel in control again. Of course, not everyone responds to each sensory experience in the same way. The key to quick stress relief is to discover the unique sensory experiences that work best for you.
Do you already use quick stress relief? A lot of people do without thinking about it. Maybe you stroke your hair during an argument with your spouse to help you cool down? Or reach for a stick of gum when the traffic grinds to a halt on your commute?

Become a stress-busting detective

Everyone responds to sensory experiences a little differently. What some people find soothing and relaxing may be unpleasant or even stressful to others. For example, certain kinds of music may relax and calm one person but do nothing but irritate someone else. So, in order to master quick stress relief techniques, you need to first become a “stress-busting detective,” and track down the sensory experiences that quickly make you calm and alert.
Stress Busting DetectiveThere is a difference between sensory experiences that are pleasant and sensory experiences that are intense and enjoyable enough to quickly make you feel both calm and alert. In the time it takes you to stroke a small smooth stone that you keep in your pocket, recall a few bars of music that move you, or taste the sensation of biting into a piece of dark chocolate, for example, you should feel your stress begin to ease, your head start to clear, and your sense of control returning. If it takes you six cups of tea and several hours to regain your balance, then try something else. If the effect is too subtle, keep investigating.


  • If you get heated up or agitated under stress… look for activities that quiet you down.
  • If you space out or shut down under stress… look for activities that are energizing.
  • If you get stuck or freeze… try to get moving in a mindful way.
Think back to what you did as a child to calm down. If you had a blanket or stuffed toy, for example, you might benefit from tactile stimulation.

Experimenting with your senses

Each time you feel stressed, try a different sensory experience and note how long it takes for your stress levels drop. Remember: you’re looking for something that works almost immediately.
As you experiment, be as precise as possible. What is the most perfect image, the specific kind of sound, or type of movement that affects you the most? For example, if you’re a music lover, listen to many different artists and types of music until you find a phrase or a tune that instantly makes you feel more in control of yourself—just by thinking of it.
Use the examples listed below as a jumping-off point. Give your imagination free reign and come up with additional sensory experiences to try.


Girl looking at flowersIf you’re a visual person, try to relieve stress by surrounding yourself with soothing and uplifting images. If there’s nothing visual within reach, try closing your eyes, taking a deep breath, and imagining a soothing image.
  • Keep a cherished photo on your phone or in your wallet—of your child, pet, a fun night out with friends—or a postcard from a memorable vacation.
  • Watch a relaxing desktop screensaver with a soothing uplifting image.
  • If you have a pleasant view from your window, spend a few moments gazing outside.
  • If movement relaxes you, choose chairs that are movable like a rocking chair.


Listening to sea shellAre you a music lover? Or a nature lover? Experiment with the following:
  • The right music can lower your blood pressure and help you relax. Keep the music that works for you on your phone, computer, iPod, or play it in the car when traffic has you stressed.
  • No music at hand? Trying singing or humming a favorite tune.
  • Tune in to a soundtrack of nature, such as crashing waves, wind rustling the trees, birds singing. If the real thing is on your doorstep, even better.
  • Buy a small fountain, so you can enjoy the soothing sound of running water in your home or office. When stress hits, close your eyes and take a few minutes to focus on the calming trickle.
  • Keep the recorded voice of a loved one on your mobile phone. Just the sound of someone special’s voice can help ease tension.

Vocal toning

Vocal toning can be a speedy way to use your breath and voice to relieve stress—even if you can’t sing or consider yourself “tone-deaf.” Try sitting up straight and simply making “mmmm” sounds with your lips together and teeth slightly apart, listening intently. Experiment by changing the pitch and volume until you experience a pleasant vibration in your face and, eventually, your heart and stomach.
Vocal toning can have two interesting effects. Firstly, it can help reduce the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol, making it an effective means of stress relief. Try sneaking off to a quiet place to spend a few minutes toning before a meeting with your boss and see how much more relaxed and focused you feel.
Secondly, vocal toning exercises the tiny muscles of the inner ear (the smallest in the body). While this might not seem like a big deal, these muscles help you detect the higher frequencies of human speech that impart emotion and tell you what someone is really trying to say. So not only will you feel more relaxed in that meeting with your boss, you’ll also be better able to understand what he’s trying to communicate.


Smelling a flowerScent can be a powerful memory trigger. The smell of freshly cut grass might remind you of your childhood or a particular perfume might remind you of a romantic partner. If the memory is a pleasant, reassuring one, you can use it to help calm or invigorate you.
  • Experiment with essential oils. Many people find lavender, tea tree, or orange blossom relaxing. Simply put a few drops in your palm or on a tissue and inhale.
  • Light a scented candle or burn some incense.
  • Keep plants or fresh flowers in your home or workspace.
  • Reach for a fruit basket. Sniffing citrus fruit, such as orange or lemon, can help ease tension.
  • Spritz on a favorite perfume or cologne, or one that reminds you of someone special.


Touching a sheetExperiment with your sense of touch, playing with different tactile sensations.
  • Try curling your toes.
  • Pet a dog or cat, or hug a friend. It can lower your blood pressure and dissolve stress.
  • Squeeze a stress ball.
  • Squeeze your fingers.
  • A piece of ice is handy. Hold it for a second. Cool sensations can help calm your whole body.
  • Wear clothing that feels soft or silky against your skin.


Girl tasting melonSlowly savoring a favorite treat can be very relaxing, but mindless eating will only add to your stress and your waistline. The key is to indulge your sense of taste mindfully and in moderation. Eat slowly, focusing on the feel of the food in your mouth and the taste on your tongue.
  • Chewing a piece of gum can lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
  • Indulge in a small piece of dark chocolate.
  • Take a bite of a ripe piece of fruit, like a mango or pineapple for a taste of the tropics.
  • Swallow a few mouthfuls of your favorite tea or coffee.
  • Keep crunchy snacks like celery, carrots, or trail mix nearby.


Hand squeezing ballIf you tend to shut down when you’re under stress or have experienced trauma, stress-relieving activities that get you moving may be particularly helpful.
  • Briefly step outside, walk around the block, savor the sunshine…or the rain.
  • Repetitive motions like brushing your hair or knitting can help you relax.
  • Bounce or tap your heels.
  • Stretch or roll your head in circles.
  • Sit on something you can bounce on.
Need more help finding what works for you? Ask people you know what they do to stay focused under pressure—it could work for you too.

Make quick stress relief a habit

It’s not easy to remember to use your senses in the middle of a mini—or not so mini—crisis. At first, it will feel easier to just give into pressure and tense up. But with time—and lots of practice—calling upon your senses when you’re stressed will become second nature.
Learning to use your senses to quickly manage stress is a little like learning to drive or play golf. You don’t master the skill in one lesson; you have to practice. Once you have a variety of sensory tools you can depend on, you’ll be able to handle even the toughest of situations. Here are tips to help you make quick stress relief a habit:
  • Start small. Instead of testing your quick stress relief tools on a source of major stress, start with a predictable low-level source of stress, like cooking dinner at the end of the day or sitting down to balance your checkbook.
  • Identify and target. Think of just one low-level stressor that you know will occur several times a week, such as commuting. Vow to target that particular stressor with quick stress relief every time. After a few weeks, target a second stressor. After a few weeks more, target a third stressor and so on.
  • Test-drive sensory input. Experiment with as much sensory input as possible. For example, if you are practicing quick stress relief on your commute to work, bring a scented handkerchief with you one day, try music another day, and then try sucking a mint the next day.
  • Don't force it. If something doesn’t work, move on until you find your best fit.
  • Talk about it. Verbalizing your quick stress relief experiments will help you integrate it into your life. It's bound to start a fascinating conversation—everyone relates to the topic of stress.
Try using this simple stress-busting diary to keep track of your progress.
Becoming adept at quick stress relief will help you successfully navigate stressful situations. It will also be an invaluable aid in learning and practicing the Ride the Wild Horse meditation that fosters social and emotional connection.


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