Reads for Women

18 Casual Things to Text a Girl and Leave Her Addicted to You

You mustered up the courage and asked for her number, but now, you don’t know what to say. Don’t worry! Here are some things to text a girl you like.
The art of flirting and attraction is hella confusing. Do you ask her out right away or take it slowly? Do you text her, “how’s it going?” or start with a joke? The amount of energy that goes into this could supply energy to a small town, I tell ya.
These days, now that Tinder and Badoo have taken over the dating sphere, you have to start your text with something original. I mean, look at the competition you have – it’s virtually endless. But don’t worry, there are tons of things to text a girl. So, it’s time to freshen up your intro texts and catch your girl’s attention.
18 things to text a girl you like
If your phone is shaking in your hands, calm down! You’re not asking her hand in marriage, you know. Talking to girls may not be your forte, but with these 18 things to text a girl, you’ll be Mr. Popular in no time.
#1 Don’t make a big deal of it. If you pump it up to be some big event in your head, *which, let’s be honest, it’s not a big deal*, you’ll freak out.
And what happens when you’re anxious? You say something stupid. So just think of it like you’re texting one of your friends. If you can’t do that, write out your text and don’t send it until later. 
#2 Know your goal. What’s the goal of talking to her? I mean, you got her number for a reason, right? If you want to go out with her, know that at some point, you’ll be wanting to ask her that question. Keep the goal in mind so you don’t end up talking via Facebook messenger for 10 years.
#3 No dick pics. Listen, you may be well-endowed, but no girl really wants to get a picture of your dick. In fact, let’s keep things a little mysterious by not showing it.
By not sending a dick pic, you’re actually showing that you’re not simply sex-oriented. I don’t even think I should be having to tell you this. Keep that dick zipped up. This is definitely not one of the things to text a girl.
#4 Don’t be too pushy. If you’re asking me out twice a day, I’m going to avoid it. You’re annoying. No one likes to be pushed into doing something. So, if you ask once and she doesn’t directly say yes *or she cancels at the last minute*, don’t ask again for a while. Personally, I wouldn’t even ask again. But, if you want to keep trying, just pull back a bit.
#5 Be yourself. Don’t try to be someone who’s super outgoing and then in person, you’re like a church mouse. Be who you are. If you don’t like rap music and she does, don’t try to pretend you know all the words to Tupac. If she likes you, great. If not, move on.
#6 Make her laugh. Girls love to laugh. Everyone loves to laugh. So, feel free to crack a couple jokes or send her something funny. Don’t be too forceful with the jokes. And if she’s not laughing, well, maybe Google some new jokes. A joke is one of the great things to text a girl. 
#7 Something that made you think of her. If you see a poster or hear someone talking about something that reminds you of her, text her. Why not? It’ll show her that you’re thinking of her and she’ll probably appreciate it. Also, it’s a great way to start a conversation without just saying, “hey.”
#8 Recommend a movie or song. Some of the guys that were successful in going on a date with me *wow, that sounded pretentious* would sometimes send me new movie trailers or music videos. I found it a great way to not only see something new, but it opened up the space for conversation. Also, if it’s a new movie, well, it’s a great way to ask her out.
#9 Make her feel special. Whether or not she’s the only girl you’re talking to, you want to make her feel like she’s #1. No one wants to feel like they’re just one out of the many girls you’re trying to get with. So, when you talk to her, actually talk to her.
#10 Remember the details. If you remember the small details, like her dog had surgery yesterday, why not text her asking her how it went? She’ll appreciate you asking and also notice the fact that you remembered. Trust me, women see these things. It’s all about the details with us – and this is one of the best things to text a girl.
#11 Let her text you. Don’t always be the one to text her. If you notice that you’re the one always starting the conversation, stop and she if she starts it. If not, she’s probably not overly interested in you. Sorry to break it to you, but, it’s the truth. If she starts the conversation, she doesn’t want you to go away. 
#12 Tease her. I don’t mean verbally abuse her, just playfully tease her. Poke fun at her a bit, she’ll have a good laugh – and you’ll also relax the atmosphere. If she’s talking about Star Wars, you can say something like, “I didn’t know you were a Star Wars nerd ;)”
#13 Flirt with her. You have to show her that you’re not interested in her as just a friend – you want more. Now, you don’t have to fully say that you want more. So, instead, flirt with her. It’s a good way to build up some sexual tension without sending a dick pic. Right? Right! 
#14 Make fun of yourself. Mysterious guys are fun to chase, but once you get them, they’re boring. Why? Because they’re so uptight and serious. You want to be someone who can take a joke and also doesn’t take themselves so seriously.
#15 Keep it short and sweet. No one wants to read an essay on their phone. So, when you’re writing her, keep the text short and sweet. Say what you want to say without adding filler sentences. Her eyes will thank you.
#16 Don’t always be flirty. Okay, so I said that you should flirt, and you should, But you don’t always have to be flirty. I mean, you’re also a human being, not a sex-fueled machine. So, strike up a conversation about a topic that really interests you/her, or ask her questions that’ll help you get to know her. 
#17 Get a little dirty. Am I giving you too many mixed messages? Okay, so I said no dick pics and I stand by that rule. But you can text her something a little riskier. It depends on how you two met and how the conversation has been going.
If you guys are hardly speaking and you all of a sudden send her an “I’m thinking of you naked” text, well, you look weird. 
#18 Create a memory for the two of you. You want to develop an attachment and emotional connection between you two. So, try to develop a memory. It could be a pet name for each other or an inside joke that’s only for you two. You want her to have a positive association with you.
If you follow these tips for things to text a girl and don’t send her a dick pic, well, why wouldn’t she be interested in talking to you? If she’s not, then she’s not the one for you. It’s as simple as that.

About Jojo Green


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