
Most men are the cause of their wives miscarriage

Angry Couple
Many women suffer depression during pregnancy. We live in a country where people assume health is only about medicine and would like to keep the case of depression to themselves without seeking the appropriate help. They have no idea the danger this poses to the mother and baby.

Most miscarriages or loss of a pregnancy or pre-mature births and complications during child birth are as a result of depression. There are babies who had low birth weights and other medical problems due to depression.

The way you treat your pregnant wife as a husband, tells the kind of baby you are likely to have as a father. It is rather unfortunate some husbands become so cruel, unconcerned, show lack of care and are insensitive because their pregnant wife has changed and is no longer the lovely wife she used to be.

In case you don't know, she is carrying another human being you put in her, the little you, the junior father is being formed in there. It’s a process which is very special and needs special care and attention. This is the period you demonstrate greater love for your wife.

Unfortunately, some husbands tend to abuse their wives at this time, some don't only insult them but also physically abuse them. Others deny them their basic needs such as a proper diet at home. There are those who vacate the house and look for a backup wife.

There are those who also send their wives away to relatives and won't bother to call, check on them, visit, etc. Putting these pregnant women through depression, illnesses which are harmful to mother and child.

Some men become worse when these pregnant women lose the pregnancy or give birth to a pre-mature baby, of which some end up dying. The men push the blame on their wives, saying they did their part by depositing the sperm in them, it was their weak wombs, abortion they did in the past, etc which caused it. Little did these men know they were the cause of these problems.

Some of these men think being a father starts when their wives give birth, which is not true. Being a father starts when your wife is pregnant. It’s your responsibility to love your wife, see to it that she is happy and healthy during the time of the pregnancy.

You ought to be mature and overlock the attitude your wife shows during pregnancy. Admire her and the baby she is carrying. That's what friends do, that is what husbands do, and that is what fathers do.

The little Junior is feeding on the mother, if the mother is sick, she ends up feeding the child with sickness. It's your duty as a husband to be patient with your wife, create an atmosphere for her to speak up when she is not happy; listen to what makes her unhappy. A Happy mother equals a happy baby, same way a bitter or depressed mother equals a bitter or depressed baby.

Pregnant women who are unhappy, thinking a lot, getting worried should seek for help and not be embarrassed. If your husband is not helping, look for a professional to help you deal with it before you get depressed.

In conclusion, "Happiness makes you smile; sorrow can crush you" - Proverbs 15:13 (CEV). Please don't crush your wife, you will end up crushing your baby.

Greenies Arena:Source: Frank Edem Adofoli

About Jojo Green


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