Flirting Flings

20 Fun and Unconventional Date Ideas You Can Try

When dinner and a movie are becoming way too basic and boring for your taste, you can count on these unusual yet fun date ideas to spice up your date!
Most of us are guilty of relying on the old-time classic of dinner and a movie when it comes to going on a date. Not that there is anything wrong with dinner and a movie… but when you’re really trying to impress your love interest, you might not want to settle for the typical dating routines! Perhaps it’s time to break the mold and free yourself from obvious, store-bought romance and opt for some more unconventional date ideas that will really get your date talking! 
20 unconventional date ideas
Here are 20 exciting and adventurous date ideas that are anything but conventional. They’ll really allow you to show your playful and romantic side, as well as see a side of your partner that you may not have seen before.
#1 Be a tourist in your own town. Put aside those local restaurant menus and movie show times, and discover other interesting things that you can do with your date in your own home town! Look for your local tourist hot spots; perhaps there’s a local art gallery or museum that you have never considered going to before?
#2 Have a romantic afternoon on a river. Look for a town that provides boating facilities to the general public, pack a picnic and have an afternoon in a row boat with your date. In the words of Ratty from Wind in the Willows: “There is nothing – absolutely nothing – half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.”
#3 Do a good deed together. Nothing feels better than doing something kind for others, especially those who are in need. Why not suggest that you spend your date volunteering at your local soup kitchen or pet rescue centre? Not only will you prove to your date how kind and thoughtful you can be, but doing charitable acts can also help strengthen your bond as a couple.
#4 Make a date for breakfast, rather than dinner. Instead of your standard dinner date, why not set your alarm and rise early for a breakfast date? Pack a picnic of delicious breakfast goods and head to a perfect spot to watch the sun rise with your beau. Having your first meal with your partner is definitely a great way to start the day!
#5 Reveal your inner child and go on a play date. When was the last time you flew a kite or climbed a tree? It’s time to get nostalgic with your date! Head out into the countryside and reveal your playful side. The more grass stains, the better! From building forts to playing hopscotch, you’ve got endless play date options to choose from!
#6 Go on an impromptu weekend away. Show your date just how romantic and spontaneous you can be by whisking them away on an unplanned trip. Head to the airport and find the cheapest flight that departs as soon as possible without any regard for the location! Spend the weekend exploring the mystery place with your date and return just in time for work on Monday morning. 
#7 Commemorate your date with a time capsule. Fill a box full of as much memorabilia from your day or evening together as possible, whether they’re dinner receipts, film tickets, an art gallery brochure or a wine cork. Add a note to your future selves and a snapshot of both of you together. Bury the box in a specific location, and make a commitment to open the capsule together on a set date in the future.
#8 Prove that bingo isn’t just for the elderly. Although you might find yourselves to be the youngest couple in attendance, head on over to your local bingo hall for an evening of silly, kitschy fun. Up the ante by agreeing ahead of time how you plan to spend any winnings.
#9 Get physical in a dance class. Not only is dancing romantic and classy, but it leaves you with no choice but to get up close and personal with your date. Whether you end up impressing your partner with your moves or poking fun at your own two left feet, dance classes are a great way to express yourselves and make an instant connection.
#10 Take a cheeky test drive in a car you can’t afford. Give your date a quick taste of the high life! Get dressed up to the nines, and head to the most expensive car dealership you can find with your beau. Take a good look around, pick out the car of your dreams and shamelessly take it for a test drive with no intention of making a purchase!
#11 Get a romantic view from above. Be daring and get a whole new perspective of reality by floating up high with your date in a hot air balloon. Everything looks far more romantic from above! For added charm, take the ride at night and perhaps bring a bottle of champagne?
#12 Explore the countryside by bike. Hop on your bicycles and go on a romantic bike ride in the countryside. Better yet, rent yourselves a tandem! Head to your local pick-your-own fruit farm and feast on your pickings together before heading home.
#13 Take a fun trip to a nearby farm. Play the country bumpkin and the milkmaid for a day by heading to a farm to experience the fresh countryside air. Try your hand at milking cows or riding a tractor. You’ll end up sweaty and grimy at the end of the day, but it will all be for fun!
#14 Let go of your inhibitions at a karaoke bar. Liven up your usual drink date by choosing a karaoke bar instead of your usual local, under the condition that you both have to commit to at least one song each, or maybe even a duet! Karaoke is a great way to either croon your way into your partner’s heart or laugh at yourselves for attempting impossible high notes.
#15 Discover who has the best cooking skills by organizing your very own “bake-off.” Baking is already pretty fun but why not make it even better by adding a little competition? Go head-to-head under a time limit to see who can bake the best cupcakes, cookies or brownies, and reward yourselves afterwards by feasting on your delicious homemade treats.
#16 Enjoy the thrill of the hunt and find some hidden treasure. Organize your own treasure hunt by hiding a gift for your date. Make them a map or leave clues that lead them to the hidden treasure. Or, you could even find a local GPS Treasure Hunting event to enjoy together.
#17 Encourage some playful competitiveness and have a board game night for two. You don’t have to go out to have a great night with your date, why not have a night in with a pile of your favorite board games, a bottle of wine and the takeout of your choice? To add a little more sizzle, the overall loser has to do something sexy at the end of the night.
#18 Reveal your mischievous side and take a “sick” day. I’m sure you can agree that you and your date need a well deserved day off? Plan to take a cheeky sickie on the same day, to spend some time together. Knowing that you would ordinarily be at work adds to the fun!
#19 Get adventurous with a day of action packed physical activity. Get off the sofa and get your adrenaline pumping with a day of action packed fun. Seek out a local leisure centre that has rock climbing and abseiling facilities, and show your partner your adventurous side. You could also try activities such as indoor skydiving or paint balling, and really make your date one to remember. 
#20 When one movie isn’t enough, why not try a movie marathon? Catching a movie with your love interest is an old time classic, but why stop at just one movie? Binge-watch a series of movies to catch up with the hype or just re-watch a bunch of classic oldies. Stock up on some tasty food supplies and relax under a duvet with your date for an entire day. I think you can agree that that beats a trip to the cinema, any day!
Next time you are planning a date, be daring and dismiss your cookie cutter romance ideas in favor of some more exciting, adventurous, nostalgic and charming dating ideas that will really impress your love interest, make lasting memories, and allow you to really go the distance in your relationships!

About Jojo Green


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