Better Life

Amazing Reasons Women Should Lift Weights

Woman Lifting Weights
You have probably thought about trying weight-lifting many times, but being a woman you might be concerned , or have felt unsure and insecure about it, and so you have decided against it.
You have most certainly heard myths about the results and consequences of strength training. Such myths say that women can get bulky muscles as a result of lifting heavy weights, which is not good for the joints, and that this is dangerous.. All of these are fictionional and therefore only work to dissuade and deny women the significant benefits of weightlifting. You may consider a dose of steroids such as Testosterona enantato to supplement your efforts at building muscle and getting fit.
Why should women lift weights? What benefits can they derive from strength training? Below are some of the various reasons why women should lift weights
Better fat-loss strategy
Many people may consider weightlifting primarily as a means to build muscle, but in reality, it is more efficient than cardiovascular exercise when it comes to torching calories. The most significant benefit of weightlifting is the way in which it burns fat both during and after the workout.
Building leaner muscles leads to more calories burnt
Strength training leads to the development of stronger, leaner muscles in your body. The result of these two developments is the more efficient use of calories in the body. Having built more muscle, you will burn more calories every single day, all thanks to strength training.
Better sleep
A study indicated that strength training and high-intensity exercise done in the morning enhanced the quality and length of sleep the night following the exercise. You will be able to fall asleep faster, sleep more deeply and have fewer interruptions during the night .
Greater heart wellbeing
The American Heart Association has approved pumping iron – weightlifting – as a healthy workout and has confirmed that it lowers the risk of heart disease for those who are vulnerable . Another study suggested that those who weight-lift have a lesser likelihood of developing heart disease risk factors such as high blood pressure, high triglycerides (a type of fat) and a large waist circumference. Another study, this time undertaken in Brazil, had profound findings. It concluded that although patients’ heart rate was very high during intensive training sessions, their resting heart rate and blood pressure were considerably lower the morning after the training.
Improved bone health
As women age, they are at risk of losing both bone and muscle mass. With the onset of menopause, the risk of suffering from osteoporosis heightens, since the body ceases to secrete estrogen. To prevent loss of bone mass, and to reduce the chances of having osteoporosis, it is suggested that you start doing some form of strength training.
Relieving stress
In general, exercising is a very efficient way of handling pressure. Studies have shown that women who engage in strength training are better equipped when managing stress. They also display fewer extreme reactions to stressful situations when compared to those who do not do strength training. It has also been observed that older adults who do moderate intensity weight lifting have both better memory and cognitive function.

About Jojo Green


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