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10 romantic things to do for your girlfriend

If you’re struggling to come up with some things to do with your partner, we’re here to help you out with 10 romantic things to do for your girlfriend. All you need to do is get your pen and notepad ready.
Write Her A Love Letter
This is one of the most romantic things to do for your girlfriend. You might think that letters are out of fashion now that we all use emails and texts to communicate. But because love letters still melt a girls’ heart, it’s time to get your pen and paper out.
A love letter is something special and meaningful, which is why girls love them so much. You can use this letter to communicate your deeper feelings, or you can simply write a quick note letting her know how much she means to you. You could also include a photograph of you both before mailing it off. She’ll treasure it forever.
Don’t forget to smother it in kiss and love hearts. Yes, we love that stuff.
Plan A Surprise
You should know by now that girls LOVE surprises. But even if you know this, you possibly haven’t made much of an effort to surprise your girlfriend very often.
Cast any issues about money aside, and splash out on something you know she will love. This could be anything from a bottle of wine after work to a weekend away somewhere together. It could even be a gesture, such as breakfast in bed.
Get In The Bath Together
Showers are sexual, but bathtubs are sensual. Getting in a warm, bubbly bath together with a glass of champagne is a perfect way to spend the evening. Have some light music playing in the background and a few candles dotted around the room and you’re onto a winner.
If you really want to push the boat out, hire a hotel for the night and order room service too. You won’t just be soaking up the water – you’ll be soaking up the love, too. Get on it.
Have A Rooftop Dinner
In the movies and on television, romantic dinners rarely go right. Either a gust of wind blows the picnic away, or a huge bird comes along and pecks someone’s head. At least it creates a memory, right?
But a rooftop dinner is incredibly romantic, no matter what happens. If you can’t get hold of a roof (and it isn’t easy!), you could use your back garden instead. Whatever you use, make sure that it’s somewhere secluded where no one can disturb you. This is for just you and your girlfriend.
Cook For Her
Another one of fabulous, romantic things to do for your girlfriend is to simply cook for her. If you haven’t cooked for your girlfriend for quite a while, it’s time to put your apron on and get into the kitchen.
Your girlfriend might be tired of cooking, and she might be stressed out from working hard. To ease the pressure on her, you should come up with a delicious recipe that brightens her day. After all, we all love being cooked for!
Just try not to set the kitchen on fire. Heroically rescuing her from flames could be romantic, but we’d rather prefer things didn’t get to this stage.

Have A Phone Call Before Bed
If you don’t live with your girlfriend, she’ll totally appreciate it and love you forever if you ring just before bed. Find out what time she usually hits the hay and give her a call. It’s thoughtful, affectionate, it shows that you care about her and it’s one of the simplest romantic things to do for your girlfriend.
Moreover, it reassures her of your love just before she says goodnight to the world once more. And if she has any worries and fears, she can tell you about them.
Give Her Your Jacket
No, we’re not talking about the chivalrous act of making sure your girlfriend is nice and warm; instead, we’re suggesting that you wear that suit she loves before giving her the jacket.
Basically, this is akin to foreplay. It’s romantic, but it’s also sensual and suggestive. It will get her in the mood.
Make Something Together
It’s one thing making her a gift on your own, and another, more romantic thing if you make something together. Teamwork between couples is hugely romantic. Not only do you get a sense of achievement at having made something, but you also bond during the process of making it.
In the film Ghost, husband and wife make a clay pot together in one of the most sensual scenes in the movies ever. They kiss and touch each other while making the pot, and basically get closer.
Pick something you both like and work on it together.
Hold Hands In Public
Holding hands in public is something that is so simple, yet many long-term couples often forget to do it. Holding hands is a sign that your love is still strong, and doing it in public shows the world that you two are strong together.
Going for a stroll in the park is incredibly romantic. Walking arm in arm brings you both together and shows that are you One against the rest.
Make Sacrifices
And finally, one of simple and romantic things to do for your girlfriend is to make sacrifices for her. Sacrificing something for another person is incredibly hard to do, which is why sacrificing something for your girlfriend is incredibly romantic. She should do the same too. If there is something about her or her way of life that you disagree with, ask her to forsake it for you and your love. You will agree to do the same. This can help to clear the air and lift tension, and you can move forward together happily.

About Jojo Green


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