Reads for men

Things Women want Men to Know

Most men have always been confused about women and their ways. They view women as mysterious creatures that work in, well, mysterious ways! To set the record straight, women now have a few things to say to all men.
Men have always found it really hard to understand women. At once instance, everything seems perfectly fine, but at the very next, there’s a lovers’ tiff, and the man would still be wondering what happened. But overall, a man and a woman are not very different. The real truth is, women are not nearly as needy, clingy, or mysterious as men think. And there are also a few other things that women want men to know.
Don’t say you’ll call when you can’t
Firstly, it’s alright if you can’t make it to lunch with us once in a while. Most women would rather be let down that lied to. Seriously, what is the need to tell a woman that you’re going to call her when in actual, you wouldn’t be doing that.
Do you really think we’d feel good when you say you’ll call, and keep us waiting for hours on end?
If you’re feeling awkward about ending a conversation or saying something nice after a date, say something else, unless you’re really going to call us.
Women white-lie too, but they do that to sound nice and be polite at the same time. How would you like it if we told you that we don’t want to go out with you because you’re a slob, a jerk and look ugly?!
But we definitely use better conversation closers than men. So the trick, gentlemen, is to come out gracefully. The next time you’re winding up a date, just say that you had a great time, and would love to do to this again sometime. And another thing, if you’ve been told that three days is a great waiting time to call back, well, that doesn’t make us like you any better!
Remind us that you exist
We understand that your day can be really busy, what with all the work, the pool club, and the fun with the boys. But for god’s sake, do let us know you exist. If you’re slogging at work for a week and can’t give your woman the attention you’d like to give her, then spend a moment to call and remind her that you have at least taken a few minutes off your schedule to give her a thought.
We don’t need all the time in the world to talk with you. All we need is a word from you, to keep that warm feeling going. It’s thoughtful, and any woman would appreciate the fact that her guy called even when he’s been so busy. And the worst thing guys do is not answering calls! Grow up, what makes you think we’d feel better if you’re going to ignore us. So the next time, spend a minute to call us, and we’d appreciate the gesture and may be even give you something special on the next date.
Make some plans
We do understand that men can be short sighted when it comes to thinking ahead, but at least try helping us while making plans. Don’t just blink while looking at us, and tell us to make all the plans. Even if you’re not the greatest maker of plans in the world, every effort from your end is something we’d love and appreciate. Don’t make us look like the social secretary of the relationship.
We definitely love some control in these areas, especially at times when you make plans to take your woman to the pool parlor nearby, but on the overall, we feel pampered and taken care of if the men make the plans, especially if it’s a surprise.
So the next time you sit down with your woman, don’t assume that saying, “Anywhere you want to go, darling” is going to flatter us and make us feel special. It could actually put us off. There’s no pressure on you to come up with an ingenious idea each time you go out, but a little effort to help out would be really nice.
Give us time to jump in
We women have never been able to understand this emotion about you guys. You propose to us, and expect us to jump right in and say a resounding yes! Or if you’ve just started seeing a woman, you want her to jump into the sheets after three dates, or you think something’s terribly wrong in your relationship.
Some women just want more time than others, so please try understanding that if things don’t work out just the way your female wooing mentor had predicted, there’s nothing wrong in that. We need space and time, and that extra bit of trust in you before we can open up to you, emotionally or otherwise. If we’re hanging back or holding on, that doesn’t mean we’re putting up our price or playing games with you, it just means we’re still figuring out how we feel about you. And that still doesn’t mean we don’t like you. We’re just biding time until we can understand how we feel about you. Or we may be too busy at work, just like you guys always are.
Don’t cuddle us when we’re angry
This is something that most guys have no idea about! When we’re mad at you, don’t try to molest us with hugs and cheeky grins. At that moment we actually want to kick and punch you. Probably even claw your face and hurt you! If we’re pissed off about something, don’t try to calm us and plaster our rage with smooches and “you look so cute when you’re angry” statements!
This will only piss us off a lot more. We’re angry with you for a reason, and when you try pretending like it’s all a big joke, it’s obviously going to make us all the more angry. This is probably why an experienced man wears a frying pan as a helmet while approaching an angry wife! But seriously, if you want to please us or help us overcome our anger, let us be mad. Even fighting back, as long as it’s verbal and on the calmer side, can help us fizz the anger out of our head, and calm us down.
We don’t always try changing your mind
This is a big misconception you guys have about us! Just because we engage in a lively animated debate, it does not mean we’re looking for an argument or that we’re trying to change your mind. Women may be different from men in many ways, but one of the most obvious is that we love a healthy fight. We love arguing about little things and we like retaliating to your comments once in a while. And no, it’s not because of PMS!
It’s just that a good argument gets our hormones raging at times, and we love the making up after the argument. So try understanding that women don’t want to change your mind now and then. It’s just that we want to contradict you and bring that fire back into the relationship, along with a bit of our sugar and spice.
Tell us about your ex
Now we’re not trying to convince you to open up your secret diary and pour out all your secrets, but we definitely do want to know a bit more about your previous crusades and escapades.
It’s just that when we know you have an ex, we wonder what went wrong in your past relationship. We assume you’re perfect and we wouldn’t be able to figure out a reason for the break up, so a part of us really wants to know what it is that made the both of you break up.
And if you don’t say a word about your ex, we’d begin to wonder if you still have the hots for this ex of yours. And it’s not like we want to know all the intimate and gooey details either. We just want to be reassured that she is not a threat. Another really important reason we want to know about your ex is because we want to act snotty and aloof when we bump into your ex at some point of time.
Explore us
Blunders galore! When it comes to making out, you men can see just two parts on a woman’s body. There is a lot more on a woman’s body than just that. We do love the obvious zones, but we also prefer the not-so-obvious zones too. And each time we get into bed, if you’re going to pounce on us, whether we’re ready or not, things can get quite irritating, especially if you can’t last long. So explore us and show us that you care about our needs just as much as we care about yours.
Tell us if we look fat
Perhaps this move would be something you’d rather avoid, if you’re worried that the repercussions may just make things worse for you. But on the contrary, we’d really love it if you could actually tell us that we look fat in a dress. Just maybe not in so many words. We would be really grateful if you could say “That looks nice, but I think you look awesome in the red dress you tried earlier”, instead of “It looks great, buy it if you like it”. We know that you’re just trying to be nice, but it’s not like we don’t know we’re bordering on the other side of the waistline ourselves. So telling us that something makes us look fat in a nice way can help you score big points with us, but it’s not like we’re counting anyways.
You see, we really are not that confusing as most men perceive us to be. All it takes to know women is a bit of thoughtfulness and some interest in understanding what goes on in our minds. And life can be oh-so-perfect!

About Jojo Green


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