Reads for men

9 Most Effective Ways to Be a More Romantic Guy

Whether you’ve been together for years or you’ve just started seeing each other, you’ll be sure to sweep her off her feet with these romantic moves!
When most guys decide they want to do something romantic for their wife or girlfriend, they usually just buy her flowers or chocolates and take her out to dinner. While there’s nothing wrong with these things, they do lack creativity. They aren’t exactly original.
But there’s so much more a man can do to show a woman how he feels. It can range from simply speaking a few words to expensive gifts and holidays. Keep in mind, though, that money is just the means. It doesn’t matter how much money is spent or if any is spent at all. Being romantic is in the sentiment. It’s in the feeling of your acts and gestures.
One of the most important aspects of being romantic is timing. Obviously you need to make an effort on special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, and Valentine’s Day. But for too many guys, their romantic moods are confined to these occasions or to occasions when their girlfriend is mad at them.
You need to stop thinking about being romantic as something for special occasions only.
9 romantic gestures that are sure to impress your girl
If you really want to be more romantic, you need to do it every day. It doesn’t take much. It’s the little things that make it work. Follow these tips and your relationship will improve by leaps and bounds, for her and for you.
#1 Be spontaneous. Any romantic gesture you make will be better-received when it’s unexpected. You don’t need a reason to give her flowers. Do it just because. Next time you know both of you will have a free afternoon, surprise her with an impromptu picnic. Call her in the middle of the day just to tell her you love her. Anything to surprise her will do. Just don’t choose a time when she’s mad at you as it will come off as insincere. 
#2 Book a holiday. Traveling together is a great way to strengthen your relationship. It is often said that travelling for literally 24 hours together is the true test of a relationship. Whether you go around the world or just to the next town, a holiday is always romantic. Not everyone can just up and decide to spend a week in the Caribbean, but a simple camping trip can be just as passionate as an expensive trip.
#3 Do something different. Try something new together. Explore new cuisines or ethnic restaurants. Go to a new art museum or a film festival. See an opera or classical music concert. If that’s your usual thing, go to a rock concert. Exploring new things together can bring you closer to each other. Plus, you may both learn to like the new things you’ve been trying.
#4 Break your routines. Doing the same thing over and over can quickly make a relationship feel stale. If it feels like this is starting to happen, make an effort to avoid your usual places. Try to stay away from your favorite restaurant for a month. If there’s a park where you usually walk together, find a new park or route along the streets. Variety is the spice of life. Embrace it.
#5 Kitchen magic. People say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but women also appreciate a man who has some kitchen skills. Surprise her and make her dinner. Don’t just do it once. Make it a regular thing by repeating the gesture once a month or more often. If you can’t cook, try to find a class or even learn from YouTube videos. A home cooked meal, a few candles, and a bottle of wine are just some of the elements of a romantic evening. It’s difficult to overstate just how much she will appreciate this.
#6 Let your hands do the talking. Once you’ve learned how to cook, learn one of the greatest skills a man can have to make a woman happy. No! Not that one. You have a dirty mind, although that’s important too. Learn to give a great massage. When she’s come home from a long day at work, sit her down somewhere comfortable and give her a massage.
A quick 10-minute massage on her neck and shoulders can make you almost god-like in her book. A good foot massage is also one of the best things in life after a hard day. After a romantic evening, when you’re already in bed, bring massage oils into the mix and make it a sensual massage that might lead to other things… 
#7 Find new ways to communicate. Most guys in relationships tell their wife or girlfriend that they love her, but always in the same way and at the same times – before bed, at the end of a phone call, etc. Break up this pattern by finding new ways to tell her. A text message in the middle of the day, a note left somewhere where she’ll find later, or any other cute way of telling her you love her would work.
#8 Take up a new hobby. Take the initiative on starting a new activity together. It can be anything really – a pottery, cooking or jewelry making class, dance lessons, or volunteering at a local school or animal shelter. All of these things can help you become closer. Unless you’re sure she’ll like it, don’t just sign up and surprise her with it. Bring it up as something you’d like to do together. Even if it’s not her thing, she might appreciate the fact that you’re showing initiative.
#9 Mix well. The last step is to put all of this together. Make it a priority to bring all of these tips into your life, not just for a few weeks or on special occasions, but as a mainstay of your relationship. These little gestures won’t get old. On the contrary, they can even make the relationship feel young and fresh.
And don’t worry, it’s not a one way street. Give her massages and you’re guaranteed to get them in return. Cook for her and she’ll cook for you if she doesn’t already. Plan spontaneous outings and adventures and she’ll start to do the same.
#10 Don’t BE romantic, LIVE romantic. Women aren’t always hard to please. Men in general have set the bar quite low, which is unfortunate, but that makes it easy for you to stand out as a great guy. The most important thing to remember when doing something romantic is you have to mean it. If you don’t, she’ll know it’s an empty gesture.
Once you incorporate all of these tips into your relationship, you’ll find that your relationship will slowly start to improve even more. Don’t think of being romantic as a chore or something you have to do. It’s a way to get more out of your relationship, a way to be happier together, and a way to keep things fun and interesting after years or even decades together.

About Jojo Green


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