sweet love

Different Ways to Say I Love You without Saying a Word

Are you looking for different ways to say ‘I love you’ to your lover? You really won’t be able to find any better ways than these romantic ways.
A relationship needs many things to be successful.
But more often than not, what matters most is letting your lover know just how much they mean to you.
You can say ‘I love you’ all the time.
After all, saying ‘I love you’ is a special way to let the one who loves you realize just how special they are to you.
But is that really ever enough?
Anyone in a relationship for more than a few months knows that those three magical words don’t always have the biggest impact.
We say it so often when we’re in a relationship, that at times, it’s easy to overlook the real meaning of those words.
But worry not, there are many other meaningful ways to say ‘I love you’ to your partner without using any words at all.
And guess what, sometimes, these gestures can make your partner feel more special and loved than saying those three loving words a hundred times.
10 romantic and memorable ways to say ‘I love you’ all the time
The best way to let your lover know you love them is by saying it to them, at least once every day. But if you really want to make an impact and make your lover melt with happiness, keep these 10 different ways to say ‘I love you’ in mind.
#1 Happy surprises. One of the best ways to let someone know you love them is by surprising them now and then. It shows your lover that you think of them even when they aren’t around. Are you going shopping? See if you find something your lover will like, or buy a box of chocolates or even a tee shirt. 
And on special occasions, take your time to plan the date and create a memorable experience in your own little ways. When you surprise your lover with happy moments and make their jaws drop with delight and awe, you’d definitely show just how much you love your partner and care for them.
#2 Romantic everyday gestures. If you really care about your lover, you’d definitely look for little ways to make them happy all the time. So don’t stop doing that. Always look for small ways to make your partner feel special and loved. 
#3 The little details. Remember the smaller details, like waking up early to prepare breakfast for your lover when they have an important day at work, calling them up and reminding them about something in the middle of the day, or offering to drive out of your way to get something for them on your way home. The little things you do for your lover can make them feel so loved and taken care of, it really is one of the sweetest and subtlest ways to let them know how much you care.
#4 Sacrifices and unconditional love. Do you believe in unconditional love? It’s pure and extremely loyal. And sometimes, it can hurt too especially when it’s not reciprocated. But what’s the point of being in love if you’re not going to dive in head first and fill your heart with it? Do you ever sacrifice your own happiness just to bring a smile on your lover’s face?
Giving up on something you like just to see your lover happy is the purest way of saying ‘I love you.’ When you put your lover’s needs before yours, you’re definitely making it clear just how much you love them. 
#5 Dates and more memories. Do you remember your anniversary and your partner’s birthday and other special days? Being thoughtful is one of the sweetest ways to let your sweetheart know how much you love them.
Make sure you remember all of your partner’s special events and try to be a part of it as much as possible. We like to share our happiness with the one we love. And by being there for your lover when they need your hug, you can definitely let your sweeter half know you love them.
And don’t stop looking for ways to make memories all the time, by snapping pictures away or videotaping them now and then when both of you are sharing a romantic moment. Years later, just looking back at the old special times can fill both your hearts with more love and happiness.
#6 Displays of affection. The best way to shower more love on your lover is by letting the world know about it. It’s a little romantic gesture that shows your partner that you’re proud to show them off as your lover to the rest of the world.
Hold hands while walking down a street, brush your lover’s hair off their face, or just snuggle up and read a book together at a café. You don’t need to make out with each other in public if you don’t want to. Just share your love with the world, and your lover will love you more. 
#7 Really listen. Lovers talk all the time, but most of them hardly ever listen to each other. Almost always, they just want to get their point across. But remember, you’re in a relationship and both your opinions matter. Really listen to your partner and their views, respect their opinion and never ever rubbish them off even if their thought seems idiotic, and always make them feel like you’re giving them all your attention. You can say ‘I love you’ every day, but unless you actually listen to your lover, you’ll never enjoy a happy and intimate relationship.
#8 Be the pillar to lean on. Love isn’t always about affection and lovemaking. It also has a lot to do with supporting each other and being there for each other through thick and thin. And to say ‘I love you’ and actually mean it, you need to support your lover in their time of need, without getting frustrated or annoyed.
If you want to show off your love, help your lover when they ask you for help, help them become a better person by correcting their flaws, and let your partner see that you’ll always be there for them no matter what. 
#9 Back your lover. There’s nothing in the world that feels worse than knowing your own lover doesn’t trust you or support you. It’s heartbreaking.
Stand up for your lover when others are around, and always support your partner. Even if you do have differences, voice them to your lover when it’s just the both of you. Respect them and love them and don’t pick a fight in public just to prove a point. Your lover will be filled with love and gratitude when they realize that they can always depend on you to stand up for them, no matter what the cause or where you are.
#10 Have a lot of fun. Be romantic and bring out your inner child now and then. If a song’s playing on the television, hold your lover and start dancing, have a pillow fight, chase each other around the house, call each other silly names, jump onto your partner when they’re lying on the couch and cuddle, and just do anything else that feels romantic or funny. 
You don’t always have to say ‘I love you’ all the time to mean it. Gestures and fun moments can be just as meaningful too. Don’t ever lose that inner child when you’re in a relationship, or your love life will end up boring and dry. Learn to keep your romance exciting, and you’ll always find a new way to say ‘I love you’ every single day through happy times.
You don’t always have to use words to reveal your love. Sometimes, even expressions and gestures can make your partner feel more loved than ever. If you truly are looking for different ways to say ‘I love you’ and mean them beyond words can explain, use these 10 ways.

About Jojo Green


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