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10 Fabulous And Useful Tips On How To Combat Oily Skin

Did you know that oily skin is something that is passed down in the genes? So, if you parents have oily skin, chances are yours is oily too. As you are very much aware, oily skin can be really really difficult to deal with. Besides having to worry about the constant shine on your face, excess oil can also cause pimples and other skin irritations.
However, oily skin is not all bad news though, for a start you will probably age better, because the excess oil helps to prevent wrinkles from forming and also it can be dealt with. Here are some simple tips to help you through it.
Eat Healthy
Cut down on greasy, fatty food, which will increase the oiliness of your face, and eat more skin beautifying foods, such as those high in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon and nuts, fresh fruit and vegetables, these foods can do wonders for your oily skin, A proper diet balances the production of oil by the skin glands, just like it balances your weight.
Oil cleansing
Although this may sounds paradoxical, it will do you no harm, give it a try. One great and effective homemade beauty tips for oily skin is oil cleansing. This basically means removing excessive oil with oil. Natural oils can dissolve the excessive sebum (the oily substance the skin secretes) accumulations on your face, clean up the dead cells and regulate oil production.
Egg white face mask
A simple home remedy for oily skin is an egg white face mask. Just whip up the white of one egg with a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, and then apply it to your face and leave it to dry before washing off again with warm water. The combination of the egg white and lemon juice will slightly dry up your skin and help to remove blemishes too.
Keep hands off your face
One other way to deal with oily skin is to keep your hands away from your face. Your hands are constantly coming into contact with grease, oil, dirt and bacteria, so keep them well away from your face. You may have to work at this to stop it and break the habit, but try to avoid scratching your face, cupping your face in your hands or resting your chin on your hands.
Massage your face a few times every week with plain, unsweetened yoghurt or buttermilk. The lactic acids they contain help cleanse your skin, unclog the pores and reduce sebum production.
White clay
White clay, or kaolin, is one of the best drying, skin-tightening treatments there is. Not only does it absorb excess oil, but it also takes care of blemishes and tightens pores. Depending on the strength you’re aiming for, mix it with water into a more liquid or a thicker paste, then gently rub it on your face, and leave to dry before rinsing.
Rose water
Rose water has a soothing, anti-inflammatory effect. It can remove excessive oil and actually regulate its production by your skin, so you don’t get that unpleasant shine. Use it regularly, whether by spraying your face with it, or applying it with a cotton bud every other day.
Makeup Primer
A really effective way to combat an oily T-zone is to use a makeup primer. A good quality primer, applied before your oil-free foundation, will keep your face shine-free and it will help the makeup last for longer too.
Use oil absorbing paper
For emergencies, nothing can beat blotting paper to remove the signs of oily skin. Carry some oil blotting sheets in your bag and then you can quickly clear away the oily sheen on your skin, if it appears during the day.
Don’t over-wash your face
Regular washing might make you feel cleaner and oil free, but over-washing your skin will make it produce even more sebum and that will just make the problem worse. Try cutting down the number of times a day that you wash your face to just two or there times.
Stay Beautiful!

About Jojo Green


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