
How to Make Someone Like You: 25 Ways to Draw Anyone to You

Whether you struggle to find friends or have your eye on a special someone, these 25 tips on how to make someone like you could make all the difference!
It’s tough when you feel a little lonely or a little down on yourself. If you feel shy, vulnerable, or insecure then getting out there and meeting new people can be difficult. Of course, it might just be that you have a particular person in mind who you really want to like you. A boss, a new person at school, a potential love interest, and you aren’t sure how to go about how to make someone like you.
Perhaps people told you that you don’t come across all that well. It is difficult for people to get to know you and like you.
How to make someone like you
Whatever the reasons, often it feels the more you want someone to like you, the more you end up messing it up. Either you get too shy and tongue tied and come across like a stuttering fool, or you don’t know how to approach them. So, you seem standoffish and disinterested. Worse still, you just try that bit too hard and appear desperate or say all the wrong things.
On the inside, you know that actually you are pretty great. You are certain people would like you if they got to know the real you. With that in mind, these 25 ways for how to make someone like you includes some methods to help you to calm those nerves and come across as yourself.
#1 Smile. Smiling goes a long way when it comes to making people like you. If you always have a smile on your face and look happy, you more likely attract people. Looking sullen and miserable naturally does the exact opposite. 
#2 Make people laugh. Whether it’s about friendship or something more, making people laugh proves time and time again to be one of the most powerful ways to make people want to be around you. If you have a sharp wit or a good sense of humor then use it. Being funny really does go a long way. 
#3 Ask questions. People love to talk about themselves and like to feel that what they say is worth something. By asking questions you show you’re interested in that person and want to get to know them better. Don’t just do it for its own sake—really listen to their answers too.
#4 Be interesting. Of course, ensure your conversations are a two-way street. Talking about interesting topics of conversation make people want to spend more time with you. If you don’t have much to say for yourself, it’s pretty hard for a relationship to develop. 
#5 Pay attention to your body language. Be open and friendly with your body language. Show confidence by walking tall, turn your body and feet towards them when you talk to them, and remember to show those pearly whites!
#6 Be helpful. You should never feel as though you are at someone’s beck and call, but being helpful and looking after other people makes them warm to you and appreciate you more.
#7 Have similar interests. Of course, it is difficult to strike up a friendship with someone when you have nothing in common. Try to find out what they do for fun, their musical tastes and hobbies and see if they match your own. If they don’t, are you sure you want to be friends with this person in the first place?
#8 Be adventurous. An adventurous and daring person naturally attracts other people. Be brave, try new things, and you’ll live a much more fulfilling and exciting life. As a bonus, you have more to say for yourself too. 
#9 Be confident. Having confidence also goes a long way. It can be difficult to notice or get to know people who always put themselves in the corner. Try to command attention and confidence when you engage other people. It really makes all the difference.
#10 Be kind. Kindness is hugely attractive to others. So, make sure you show your kind and caring side.
#11 Have a wide circle of friends. Looking popular makes you appear more likeable to potential new buddies. Try to always surround yourself with people. Soon they want to be one of those people too!
#12 Don’t get angry. Getting angry and having a short temper makes people feel nervous and intimidated. If you are prone to fly off the handle at the smallest thing, get those feelings under control pronto!
#13 Be honest. Honesty is a highly valued character trait, so the more honest you are and the more integrity you have, the more people are likely to want to be friends with you. 
#14 Don’t force your opinions on others. There is nothing more irritating than someone else’s opinions forced down your throat. Allow people to express their own opinions and ideas, even if you think they are wrong.
#15 Make time for them. If you want someone to like you, invest in your relationship with them. Make sure you make time for them and they will appreciate it.
#16 Be genuine. No one likes someone who comes across as super fake, so make sure you are genuine. Otherwise, they see right through you.
#17 Be complimentary. Everyone likes a compliment and can’t help but like those who give them. But remember not to go overboard or you just come across as trying too hard. 
#18 Have good hygiene. Remember, good hygiene and making a bit of an effort with your appearance also helps in your quest of how to make someone like you.
#19 Respect yourself. If you want other people to respect you, first respect yourself. If you are constantly self-deprecating and putting yourself in degrading situations it will be difficult for people to respect and like you.
#20 Give them space. If someone feels suffocated by you they likely push away. Make sure you don’t overwhelm the person you want to like you. Give them space and allow room to breathe.
#21 Don’t get jealous. Jealousy is really unattractive. You might want that person to be your best friend and spend all their time with you, but if you get jealous when they so much as look as someone else, you put them off wanting to be around you. 
#22 Be generous. Generous people tend to be more well-liked. You don’t have to shower them with gifts, but making an effort to show your generosity from time to time earns you brownie points.
#23 Remember the important things. Remembering birthdays, other memorable dates, and just retaining information they told you helps them see how much you care.
#24 Be intelligent. Make sure you don’t dumb yourself down or degrade yourself for anyone. Being intelligent and interesting is way more attractive. 
#25 Be fun. Above all remember to have fun. People who look like they have fun and enjoy life are naturally way more likeable than those that aren’t.
However, it’s always important to bear in mind that you can’t please everyone, or certain circumstances might just make it impossible for the two of you to actually become friends. If that is the case, don’t despair. Accept that you can’t be friends with everyone. Remember you don’t really want to be friends with someone who can’t appreciate you and see how great you are anyway. It’s their loss!
So, there you have it. By using these 25 tips for how to make someone like you, you help yourself and other people get to know you better. And you come across as friendly and relaxed and someone worth talking to!

About Jojo Green


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