
Best time to have sex in a day

Couples on bed
Hate mornings? You should probably look away now, because researchers have worked out the optimum time of day to have sex - and it’s pretty early.

According to research, the best time of day to get it on is 7.30am. This is because energy levels are at their highest after a good night’s sleep, meaning we all have a bit more stamina.

Meanwhile the rush of endorphins sparked by sex lowers blood pressure and stress levels, making us feel more upbeat for the rest of the day, researchers said. 

Researchers, on behalf of health and wellbeing firm Forza Supplements, monitored the body clocks of 1,000 people and then worked out the optimum times of day to do a range of activities in order to “get the most out of life”.

They said the best times to eat were 7.15am for breakfast, 12.15pm for lunch and 6pm for dinner, adding that it’s important to have an even calorie intake throughout the day.

Concentration levels peak three hours after we wake up, so the best time to do the most taxing jobs at work is around 9.45am.

Around an hour later, stress levels peak at 10.45am - most typically early in the week when our to-do lists are heaviest, so this is the best time to relax.

Snack o’clock comes most frequently at 3.30pm, when we are starting to lag at work, and 8.15pm when we are relaxing in front of the TV.

Meanwhile the best time to chill out with the first drink of the day is 6.10pm, four hours before we go to bed, to maximise liver recovery time.

Researchers said the best time for sleep is at 10.10pm - allowing for 20 minutes to get to sleep and 90 minutes of the most restorative non-REM sleep which is most likely to occur prior to midnight.

The study also highlighted the optimum times of the day to workout.

Around half of those who took part (54%) found their calorie burn from running was best with a pre-breakfast run at around 7am.

Strength levels do build up during the day and 52% of gym fans who like to lift weights found they were most effective after work, with 6.30pm being the best time.

A key finding from the study was that more than half of us (56%) felt we were not getting the optimum eight hours of sleep a night, and this was impacting our effectiveness throughout the day.

About Jojo Green


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