
Stop calling a boyfriend 'My Guy'

Almost all the single ladies dating refer to their boyfriends as “my guy”
One of the phrases I have come to dislike is “my guy”. Almost all the single ladies dating refer to their boyfriends as “my guy”, meaning their man. Yet not all the guys refer to them as “my girl”. The only time Adam refers to the woman as “my” was when God presented her to him. 

God “… made the rib into a woman, and brought her to the man. “This is it!” Adam exclaimed. “She is part of my own bone and flesh! Her name is ‘woman’ because she was taken out of a man.” – Genesis 2:22-23. Why then don’t you wait for the man to be handed to you as a husband before you start calling him “my man”? 

How can something or someone you are studying or getting to know before you own, become yours? This has become the woes of some single ladies. You are dating someone to know them, the probability of them being who you want is only half or 50%. 

But the unfortunate thing is as soon they start dating, the ladies especially, assume from day one that he is the one, even before an actual marriage proposal comes up. How can you accept someone who you don’t know. 

Going on, they either close their eyes to things they must look out for in a potential or try to change the person. The truth is, even God couldn’t change the devil, how much more can a man. 

A person’s actions not their words, will tell you everything you need to know. This is why you study and pay attention to their actions. The one you settle on as your spouse becomes one special person in your life; who is your strength and your weakness too.

Be honest from day one, know what you want; the one you are dating is just a candidate not chosen yet. This will offer you the opportunity to see things clearly, ask questions, pay attention and be sure of your choice. 

It also makes it easy to leave when they are not the one, so you don’t end up watering a dead flower. 

With this, you have no doubt with your final choice; Later in the marriage, even if given the opportunity to choose someone else, You can still say “I choose you and I will do so over and over again, without a pause. 

For those who find it difficult to leave the one you are dating, even though you have a strong feeling the person doesn’t love you; ask yourself this question “Why am I so afraid to lose you when you are not even mine?”. 

Bear in mind that as beautiful as you are, men will desire you but just because someone desires you, does not mean they value you. Let this resonate in your mind so you don’t start treating a familiar stranger as your husband when you are yet to know him. 

In conclusion, know your value, work on yourself and don’t chase what isn’t yours. You are someone’s definition of “an excellent wife; “An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels” Proverbs 31:10 (ESV).

About Jojo Green


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