
19 Really Obvious Signs That a Girl Likes You Over Text

Girl on phone 
You like her. But how do you know if SHE likes YOU? It seems like girls are a mystery, but there are signs that a girl likes you over text.

Ever since the mobile phone came into being, texting has been a staple dating precursor. Nowadays, it is impossible for relationships to not have gone through the “texting phase” prior to actual dating.

It can be convenient because, first, you can have casual conversations without being awkward. And second, it eliminates the need to be self-aware in presenting yourself physically. But despite this, the lack of actual face-to-face interaction leaves you with a difficult conundrum: “Does she like me, or not?”

18 signs to know if a girl likes you over text

Never fear, just like how the ladies exhibit a specific behavior during face-to-face encounters, they definitely have certain “texting behaviors” that will tell you whether they like you over text. So, it is up to you to decipher the signs and use it to your advantage. Here are 18 signs that a girl likes you over text.

1. She initiates the conversation. If she’s the one who texts you first, even for no specific reason like just asking “what are you up to?” then there’s a good chance that she digs you.

Girls are known to prefer being texted than texting guys first, so if she gives this much effort to start communication with you, chances are that you are in her good graces. This is one of the HUGE signs that a girl likes you over text.

2. She texts frequently. If you just spent the whole night texting each other, and the next day you wake up to a good morning text from her asking for more of those text conversations, she’s definitely into you. Careful though, there’s a chance she might end up being a text-clingy girlfriend if you two start dating.

3. She replies immediately. For a guy, there is nothing more agonizing than waiting for your crush to reply to your text message. There are times that replies end up coming hours or days late. So when a girl replies immediately within minutes after sending a message, it’s a sure sign that she likes you.

4.She texts you frequent updates. Another one of the signs that a girl likes you over text is if she says things like, “Hey, I’m getting a pedicure, what’s up?” or “Ordered Frappe at Starbucks” and all superficial information that you wouldn’t even care to know. It’s a sign that she wants your attention.

5. She texts and replies immediately even if she’s busy. If she’s busy with work, school, or some other preoccupation, yet she still looks forward and maintains text conversations, it only means that she thinks you are worthy.

6. She writes lengthy replies with a lot of follow-ups. It’s pretty well-known that girls are chattier than men, and even more chatty to people who they like and trust. When a girl who likes you sends a text, it is usually lengthy, chock full of details, and open-ended in order to keep the conversation going.

7. She’ll notice if you don’t text her or reduce your conversations. When she asks, “Hey, are you okay? You haven’t been texting lately?” that is a sure sign that she likes you. Suddenly reducing communication will not go unnoticed and will be followed up by a prying question. Trust me, this is an one of the obvious signs that a girl likes you over text.

8.  She spells her words in a cute way. Extra vowels, all caps, and baby-talk spellings are signs that she’s trying to get you to notice her and shower her with attention.

9. Lots and lots of emoticons. If she includes hearts, emojis, and smiley faces in every text message, then she might be into you, or at least it means something good. And you would also notice moments where the emoticons outnumber the words themselves.

10. She teases you. Remember that teasing is a sign that she’s comfortable in a way that she expects you to be okay with it. It means that you are closer than normal friends. Or at least she wants you to be. Teasing is also a sign of interest because she wants to elicit an emotional response from you.

11. She sends text giggles. LOL, ROFL, LMAO, HAHAs, and laughing emoticons are not only a sign that she’s entertained, it’s also a way to say that you’re funny, albeit virtually.
12. She sends you quotes from a book, or lines from her favorite movies or songs. This is called “creativity flirting” where she flaunts her interests to you to appeal to your creative side. It is a sign that she wants to know more about you. 

13. She compliments you a lot. It could be the clothes you were wearing the other day, your new tattoo, or the body you’ve been working on at the gym, compliments mean that she likes you.

14. She sends flirty messages. If your text conversations escalate into the realm of the flirtatious, boy, you shouldn’t be asking whether she likes you or not. You should be dialing her number right now. Duh. It’s one of the classing signs that she likes you over text.

15. She pries around your personal life. If a girl asks a lot of personal questions, it means that she’s interested in you. Girls have their way of getting information regarding a guy they are interested in, but if she’s asking you personally, you just levelled up into a more intimate form of relationship.

16. She pries around your love life. Asking if you’re currently seeing someone, what was your ex-girlfriend like, or questions regarding your preferences for girls is a sign that she’s sizing you up to see whether you’re a probable candidate for a more serious relationship.

17. She sends you her photo. Girls can be guarded when someone asks for their photos. So if she sends you a photo of her even if you didn’t ask for it, chances are that she’s interested in you.

18. She sends you a candid or wacky photo. When sending photos, girls tend to send out the most flattering photos of them – made up like a model and dressed to kill. A girl definitely likes you if she sends you a photo of her wearing her house clothes, messy hair, or even making a face.

19. She asks you out. The ultimate giveaway for text hints is that she asks you out. Even if it’s just a friendly or casual get-together, it is a sure sign that she’s comfortable enough to hang out with just the two of you.

In the modern world where cell phones are considered a necessity, it can be difficult to know if a girl likes you. However, if you keep your eye out for these signs that a girl likes you over text, you better start planning your first date.

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