10 Ways to Protect Your Relationship While on Social Media

5. What’s The Role Of Privacy?

There are people out there in successful relationships that have not and will never turn to social media to show the world what they have. Some people like to keep their information completely private because they know very well what the wrong post can lead to. It may seem like some people are trying to play the field online, while hiding their man offline, but this is not always the case.
There is no rule in a book that says if you keep your relationship private online that means you are cheating or hiding a good thing. Some people just so happen to be more interesting, and enjoy posting themselves online versus just photos of their relationship.

4. Delete As Soon As Possible

Most of us have good intentions when we are dating and just starting to get to know someone. However, many of us have experienced friends, or people we barely know, posting or tagging us in photos that just don’t paint us in the best light.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and we see things differently compared to others. What may be an inside joke to yourself and your friends may look awful to a new potential dating partner. If a friend posts a picture of you with a person that your partner just so happens to be in an argument with, it could also cause big drama. The last thing any relationship problem needs is outside trolls who start commenting or sharing the photo and getting you in hotter water. It is even worse when you were not even talking to the person in question, you just so happened to be standing beside each other or were just in the same location, but for different reasons.
When in doubt, delete, delete, delete. Some people like to cause drama online, and getting caught up into something you had no intention on starting can turn into more than what it really needs to be.

3. Sharing An Account

I am starting to see this more often when a couple will share an account. Their profile picture and user name makes it very obvious that it is a “couple’s” social media account. This can be good for those that own a business together and are known for working together when promoting the business. Depending on the two people, it can also help to diffuse social drama that is bound to happen at any time.
If you decide to share an account, this indicates that the both of you are confident and trust each other in the relationship. It might even take off the pressure of having to keep up with your account if the two of you are sharing it at the same time.
For couples with children (that are comfortable with posting family info) this can also make your relationship easier, if both of you can be on top of posting enough cute photos of your children. Get creative and make it fun. Social media doesn’t necessarily have to be a challenge when the whole family is involved.

2. “The World Revolves Around Me” Problem

There are some people that are born to naturally draw people to them. Some men and women are born with good looks and whether they are doing something exotic or just holding hands with their partner while out on the town, it will still draw attention even when they are not looking for it.
If you are one of those people that are a lady or hunk magnet, the comments and direct messages will reflect the same reality. Whatever you do, don’t bask in the attention to the point that your partner starts feeling neglected. Remember, social media can be a fantasy world for many. A wink, like or nice comment doesn’t mean that you can get away with flirting or cheating even if Popular is your middle name.
When you are in a serious relationship, the world no longer revolves around you. Remember that one has become two.

1. Keep it Classy

There is an old saying that goes “always walk the high road.” This applies to work, school, relationships and life in general. We all know that what you post online can be deleted, but not completely. People can save images and photos, sometimes quicker than you can delete them. Even when you think your Facebook is secure like Fort Knox, the right amount of online activity and those photos can be linked to your name when you search yourself on Google. Say goodbye to job prospects!
Now that social media is an essential part of our lives, I have heard many men and woman mention they will Google a person they are just starting to get to know. With that being said, think before you post and if you have a gut feeling it is not a good idea, listen to your intuition.


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